Massage Therapy and COVID-19 What you need to know.
Massage Therapy and COVID-19 What you need to know.

Firstly, I hope this finds you and your families healthy and safe in these unprecedented times.ย  Since temporarily closing my practice at Pure Health 6 weeks ago, life has been VERY different for all of us, not only here in Toronto, but across the globe.ย  We have been all trying to navigate our way through uncharteredย waters and safe to say for most of us feeling a little lost.
Finding direction during this time can be challenging as we are disconnected from our routine…work, loved ones and friends.ย  That’s why my newsletter is called POINTS NORTH!!ย  It’s a connection to my hometown of St. John’s, Newfoundland… affectionately known as “THE ROCK”.ย  As a child growing up in this special place, I spent a lot of time in nature learning about my environment, making a connection to it, nurturing and caring for it…it is part of who I am.ย  I also learned that if I ever felt lost, to look to nature to guide me home…to give me direction…ย 
In the spirit of this, I found it became the foundation of not only the way I live my life, but how I work with my clients.ย  In many ways, I became a starting point for so many people when they’re looking for some direction…a clearer path…to better, more optimal health.ย  I’m sure so many of you are feeling anxious, poor sleep, tension and stress.ย  In my 20+ years in practice,ย  I have seen the positive impact on how massage therapy and reflexology can help support the nervous system and therefore reduce these symptoms.ย  Want to learn more about me or to book an appointment, connect with me at my practice at Pure Health or email atยย  You can also subscribe to my newsletter POINTS NORTH through my websiteยย 

Looking forward to seeing you in my office in better times!